• AWWA ACE59824
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  • Sharing Resources: New York City's Alternative Strategy for Combined Water and Wastewater Treatment Solids Handling
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
  • Publisher: AWWA


New York City (the City) is designing a 290 mgd water treatment plant (WTP) that reduces operationcomplexity and plant footprint. The design includes an off-site combined solids processing strategy at theHunts Point wastewater treatment plant (Hunts Point). This strategy involves solids conveyance from theCroton WTP through a seven mile force main to Hunts Point. Hunts Point dewaters indigenous andvisitor digested sludge and is capable of dewatering additional solids loads. Ina significantimprovement over the conventional strategy, the proposed design introduces the water treatment solids atthe point of wastewater treatment solids processing, thereby minimally increasing the contribution of water treatment solids to the activated sludge unit.To evaluate the potential effects of combined solids processing on dewatering operations at Hunts Point, acomprehensive experimental study has been formulated with the following objectives:determine advantages and disadvantages of blending solids versus separate solids handling;determine the impact of blending solids on solids-liquids separation and dewaterability;determine optimal centrifuge operating conditions for maximal solids-liquids separation and dewaterability;determine optimal polymer dose for maximal solids-liquids separation and dewaterability;determine compliance of cake solids with US Environmental Protection Agency CFR 503 standards for land application; and,determine the impact of the centrate emanating from combined solids processing on nitrification kinetics. Preliminary bench-scale centrifugation studies have indicated a higher degree of solids-liquids separation(lower supernatant solids concentration) but lower dewaterability for samples containing a higherproportion of water treatment solids. Includes tables.

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