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- Bench-Scale and Forensic Evaluation of Packed Bed Arsenic Treatment Systems
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
Nano-structured commercially available porous GFH, E33 and emergingMetsorbG have been experimented for arsenic removal in drinking water systems. Rapidsmall-scale column tests (RSSCTs) have been employed to evaluate the performanceusing groundwater of central Arizona. Column adsorption densities (qcolumn) for the watertested on dry mass basis obtained in RSSCTs range 1 ~ 1.2μg As/mg for E33 and 0.5 ~0.6μg As/mg for GFH for the water tested. MetsorbG showed lower arsenic treatabilitythan GFH. Microscopic analysis of exhausted medias with SEM and EDX showedrelative silica and calcium (i.e. Si : Ca) occupancy with a trend of GFH (4.5 : 1) > E33 (3: 1) > MetsorbG (1 : 1). Adsorbed calcium can be extracted from the exhausted surfaceby acid rinsing, whereas adsorbed silica can be removed by both acid and base wash. Butbatch experiments with E33 showed that exhausted media when washed at pH 12 couldremove only 15-30% of arsenate. Includes 16 references, tables, figures.
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