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- Cost-Effective Integration of Membranes into Large Water Plants: A 60-mgd Submerged Membrane Retrofit at the Racine Water Utility
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
Cost-effective integration of low-pressure membrane filtration systems into existing large watertreatment facilities depends upon many site-specific goals and constraints, but there are severalkey issues that generally apply. This paper reviews several of these key issues in the context of aproject that will integrate a 60-million-gallons-a-day (mgd) submerged ultrafiltration (UF)membrane system into the existing treatment processes at the Racine Water Utility (RWU). Thisproject, currently under construction, will be achieved at a total project cost of less than $0.40/galof capacity, one of the lowest unit costs to date in the industry.Five examples of key issues in the cost-effective implementation of the submerged membranesystem at Racine include the following:preliminary screening of proprietary membrane systems;reuse of existing facilities;customization of membrane system and equipment;cost-conscious design to meet regulatory and redundancy requirements; and,well-designed membrane system procurement process.The methods by which these issues were utilized for the benefit of a cost effectiveimplementation at RWU are discussed in detail. Includes tables, figure.
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