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- Floridan Aquifer Recharge via Stormwater Drainage Wells: An Inventory of Central Florida's System
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The objective of this investigation was to complete an inventory of drainage wells located in allof Orange, and portions of Lake and Seminole Counties, in Florida, to compile drainage well informationfrom multiple sources into an ArcView point coverage, and to verify the information found inthese sources. The information found in various drainage well databases maintained by the localcity and county governments includes information such as location, well elevation, wellconstruction and drainage basin size. In addition, this research was conducted on the location ofwells not previously identified in other studies. The information was compiled into aGIS/ArcView (V3.2) database. The information collected and verified under this survey can beused in further estimates of aquifer recharge, groundwater modeling efforts and identification offuture pilot demonstration sites. In addition, the information can be used to target certain wellsfor future water treatment testing. Among the information gathered for this survey was thefollowing:horizontal and vertical coordinates for each well and intake elevation of any controlstructure;photographic and image diary of each wellhead, control structure and immediate surroundingbasin;water level within the well and lake (if applicable) using 0.1-foot resolution;description of major well casing and total depth, diameter and date of construction that isavailable in the files of the local, state or federal government agency files, or can be observedfrom the ground surface;description of drainage basin size and type of drainage (lake, street, etc); and, any additional information as identified during the development of a database dictionary. Includes 14 references.