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- Albuquerque's Nonpotable Subsurface Diversion
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The City of Albuquerque proposes to achieve a sustainable drinking water supply throughthe direct diversion and consumption of its San Juan-Chama (SJC) Water taken from the RioGrande. Two projects have been proposed to directly divert the City's SJC water: a largescaledrinking water project; and, a nonpotable supply project. The nonpotable projectconsists of Radial Collectors at a depth of about 50 feet below the Rio Grande and "In-River"Collectors at about 20 below the Rio Grande diverting water from the Rio Grande to supplynonpotable irrigation water to large turf areas in Northeast Albuquerque. Field efforts priorto construction included numerous borings and several aquifer tests. In addition, a small-scalefinite element model was developed to simulate potential system performance. Theseefforts led to construction of the Radial Collectors in 2003. The system is currentlyoperational with additional infrastructure being constructed to serve users. Includes figures.
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