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- Solutions for High-TDS Water Reuse
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) uses wastewater high in TotalDissolved Solids (TDS) as a resource to save precious groundwater. Reusinghigh-TDS water is a challenge and is often considered impossible for manyreuse applications. This paper presents some of Saudi Aramco's methods andlessons learned that make reusing high-TDS water possible.The company owns and operates wastewater treatment and reuse facilitiesthroughout Saudi Arabia. These facilities reclaim approximately 20 milliongallons of water per day with TDS ranging 1,800-3,500 mg/l. Reuse savesgroundwater for many uses and avoids the high cost of seawater desalination.Saudi Aramco's major reuse applications include: golf course irrigation,landscape irrigation, sod farming, and habitats for migrating birds. Includes table.
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