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- Getting Value from Benchmarking: An Investigation of the QualServe Performance Indicator Participants
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
In 2002 and 2003, 35 and 65 utility participants respectivelycompleted and submitted data responding to the first baselinemetric performance indicators studies supported by theBenchmarking Clearinghouse Program. Findings from thesestudies have been published in "blind" form, so that participantsdo not know the identity of other respondents. While eachrespondent does know where their response places them relativeto other respondents in terms of data value, they are not, at thispoint, able to identify individual utilities and map specific practices that accompanyperformance differences at peer utilities.As part of an attempt to capture lessons-learned and application of findings in eachparticipating organization following completion of the survey, the Demarche ConsultingGroup designed and conducted a modest research project in early 2004, followingpublication of the second QualServe Performance Indicators Study.In the final published study (yet to be completed), no data would be attributed to a givenutility without permission, and all specific utility findings will be shared with that utilityonly. The objective of the study is to:investigate the maturity of the performance indicators process within theparticipating utilities interested in benchmarking;characterize the ways in which utilities that were participants of the benchmarking clearinghouse metric survey actually use those findings; and,facilitate some connections between participants that will fosternetworking, site visits, and best practices sharing.