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- Advancements in Biological Perchlorate Reduction for Ion Exchange Brine Treatment and Reuse
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
Since the discovery of perchlorate contamination in a number of California groundwaters in1997, it has been detected in many other locations across the country. The United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency (USEPA) estimates that groundwater in 40 states has thepotential to be contaminated with perchlorate, and has confirmed perchlorate releases in at least18 of them. Few technologies have consistently removed perchlorate down to lowmicrogram per liter concentrations. While various ion-exchange resins have been shown toremove perchlorate, disposal of the regenerant brine is economically taxing and withoutdestruction of the perchlorate, can lead to possible future litigation.Through a collaborative effort between MWH and the University of Houston, the research teamhas focused on evaluating methods of biologically treating spent ion-exchange brine. This is theculmination of the research efforts from two projects funded in part by the American WaterWorks Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF) and the Baldwin Park Operable Unit(BPOU). Recently completed, field-testing has demonstrated that the biological brine treatmentand reuse is a viable process and is a suitable alternative to the conventional disposal ofperchlorate-laden brines. Building upon the results of field-testing, additional testing is beingconducted to enhance the performance and robustness of the biological process and developdesign criteria required for potential full-scale operation of a biological brine treatment system. Includes figures.