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  • Marketing and Implementation Strategies for Replacement of ULF Toilet Flappers
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
  • Publisher: AWWA


According to Tampa Bay Water estimates, ultra low flush (ULF) toilets installedin new homes in the Tampa Bay region are estimated to reduce regional water demand byover 15 million gallons per day (mgd) cumulatively by 2010. Rebate projectsimplemented by Tampa Bay Water Member Governments (Members) will save up to 4.2mgd through retrofitting existing homes with low flow toilets by 2005. Approximately$17 million has been spent through 2003 by Tampa Bay Water member governments andthe Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) on these ULV toilet rebateretrofit programs.The flapper is the main component in these new and rebated fixtures which willrequire replacement during the life of the fixture. Therefore, selection and installation ofthe appropriate replacement flapper is critical to preserving the fixture's conservationcapabilities. In order to secure these savings, Tampa Bay Water conducted researchidentifying locally marketed and sold toilet makes and models. Toilet make and modelswere paired with manufacturer's recommended replacement toilet flappers that fit thespecific makes and models of ULV toilets.By May of 2004 Tampa Bay Water will develop an Ultra-low Flush ToiletFlapper Marketing and Implementation Strategies report. The goal of this report is tocreate various marketing and implementation strategies to three different ultra-low flushsegments or customer groups based on research conducted locally, nationally, and internationally.The three customer groups are:customers that have received rebates for toilets installed in their homes from localgovernments in the Tampa Bay region;customers that have Energy Policy Act related low flow plumbing fixtures inhomes built from 1995 forward; and,industry that sells toilets and replacement flappers to customers in the region.Menu options will be available for local, regional, and nationwide use andimplementation. Options will provide enough detail for governments to actuallyimplement a program from the documentation and derive a cost for the programsproposed.The outcome of this marketing and strategies development effort is being sharedwith a nationwide consortium of water utilities and could provide part of the blueprint forsecuring savings for over 25 million ultra low flush toilets installed in new and existinghomes. Includes tables.

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