• AWWA ACE60085
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  • Distribution of Desalinated Water: Water Quality Issues
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2004
  • Publisher: AWWA


Tampa Bay Water is a regional wholesale water utility located in southwest Florida.Created by interlocal agreement, the agency is obligated to provide drinking watersupplies to six local governments which include: City of St. Petersburg, City of Tampa,City of New Port Richey, Hillsborough County, Pasco County and Pinellas County.Historically, this three county region relied almost entirely on groundwater for drinkingwater purposes. This reliance, coupled with cyclical, severe drought conditions and anexpanding regional population, resulted in adverse environmental impacts to localsurficial water features (lakes and wetlands). In order to restore the environment, TampaBay Water agreed to decrease groundwater pumping and develop alternative watersources. The State of Florida legislatively requires the use of "local sources first", andconsiders desalination a means of meeting this statutory expectation.The alternative supplies developed by Tampa Bay Water include a surface watertreatment plant, a 15 BG reservoir and a desalination facility. It is expected that thedesalination facility will "base load" the regional water supply and provide a "droughtproof"25 MGD of drinking water. Because of the geographic expanse of the system andvarying local demands, the blend of water that a particular area might receive will vary in therelative proportions of desalinated water, groundwater and treated surface water. Thevarying blends will result in varying water quality both with respect to the historicalgroundwater picture of quality and the availability of the new water sources. Includes figures.

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