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- Selectivity Considerations During Arsenic Removal Using Anion Exchange
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
A greater understanding of the factors affecting arsenic run lengths using ion exchange resinswas achieved by performing an evaluation of the relative influence of anion-resin affinity andresin capacity. Separation factors were determined for nitrate, arsenate, and sulfate in both low- andhigh-ionic strength solutions using binary isotherms for five resins. An equilibriummulticomponent chromatography theory (EMCT) model was used to predict anion run lengthsusing experimentally determined separation factors. Of the common anions in groundwaters,only sulfate was found to have a significant influence over arsenic run lengths. Further, resincapacity was a much stronger determinant of arsenic run lengths than sulfate-resin affinity. Thisstudy also verified that selectivity reversal occurs during regeneration by determining anion-resinseparation factors at high ionic strength, which were able to correctly predict low arsenic andsulfate leakage in the product water after spent brine reuse. Includes 7 references, tables, figures.
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