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- Biological Treatment of ISEPtm Brine Contaminated with Perchlorate and Nitrate
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
The objectives of this study were to perform a bench scale evaluation for treating perchlorate and nitrate in ISEP spent brine. Specific objectives were to:develop salt (NaCl) tolerant cultures that can reduce perchlorate and nitrate;evaluate the capability of cultures to reduce perchlorate in spent brine produced by ISEP ion-exchange process;determine the effect of varying brine constituents on biological reduction of perchlorate and nitrate; and, performmicrobial characterization of the cultures. All the experiments were conducted usingspent brine from the ISEP process.Modification included: addition of 3 times the stoichiometric requirement of acetate;adjusting of Mg2+/Na+ ratio to 0.11;flushing with N2 gas for hr; and,operated as SBR (50-60% replacement) with 22 hrs reaction time and 2 hrs settling time. Information is outlined on further topics that include: analysis of spent ISEP brine; long-term brine treatment; matrix evaluation; pH effects; salt tolerance; and, nitrate and sulfate effects.
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