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- Biofilm Community Structure in a GAC Filter Targeting Haloacetic Acid Removal
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines information on Haloacetic Acid removal using granular activated carbon, focusing on biofilm community structure. Three approaches are outlined:adsorption, isotherm tests for carbonadsorption capacity;biofilm development, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification ofintergenic spacer region; and,mature biofilm, HAA degradation bybiological active carbon (BAC). Conclusions included: the intergenic spacer region analysis revealedthat the microbial diversity diminished andstabilized along the filter run;bacterial community diversity may be correlatedwith HAA degradation;hydrogenophaga palleronii (PCR identifiedbacterium) did not degrade any HAAs tested; and,isolate MC5 from enrichment cultures expressedhigher degradation rates and affinity to ClAAthan to Cl2AA. Includes figures.