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- Watershed Management and Drinking Water Quality: Preliminary Studies in Two Canadian Provinces
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
This two-phased study first investigated the association between Cryptosporidiumand Giardia concentrations and classic water quality parameters (total coliforms, fecalcoliforms, E. coli, turbidity, temperature, pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrates, river levels) in the GreaterVancouver District's Seymour water system, which is a protected watershed system inVancouver, British Columbia. Then, the study investigated the association with waterquality parameters, including river flows, in the Oldman River, at Lethbridge in SouthernAlberta, which is a semi-arid watershed system heavily impacted by agricultural production.Population seropositivity to antibody markers of Cryptosporidium and number of casesof cryptosporidiosis reported to public health as well as watershed events in Seymour,Vancouver were also examined.The following watershed, source water and related data collected included:precipitation;turbidity;fecal coliforms;total coliforms;E. coli; pH;flows (river);watershed events (eg. land slides);nitrates;temperature;DOC; and,concentrations of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts. Includes 4 references, tables, figures.
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