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- Arsenic Removal by Activated Carbon Preloaded with Organic carboxyl-Iron Complexes
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation discusses the theory that organic acids will complex with Fe(III),so they both get sorbed onto granular activated carbon (GAC);arsenic will adsorb onto the iron inthe organic carboxyl-iron complexes; and,rusty iron will magnify the arsenicremoval capacity of the organiccarboxyl - iron preloaded GAC. Experimental conditions included:bituminous coal based activatedcarbon (Ultracarb) from U.S. Filter# WESTATE;groundwater from Rutland, Massachusetts containedarsenic concentration ranges from45-55 ppb; and,arsenic analysis is conducted viaICP-MS method. Specific topics covered include: organic carboxyl-ironcomplexes for pre-loading GAC; RSSCT of Citric acid-Fe preloaded GAC; RSSCT's with CA-Fe preloaded GAC; digestion of the arsenic adsorbent; arsenic distribution of CA-Fe-pH6 column; arsenic distribution of CA-Fe-pH6column; conclusions and future research.
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