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- Effect of Disinfection on "Red Water" and Iron Corrosion
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/17/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
There is surprisingly little work that directly examines the role of disinfectant type onaspects of iron corrosion. This study directly compared iron weight loss and iron releasein a synthesized water with no disinfectant, chlorine and chloramine. Free chlorine hadclear advantages relative to monochloramine. Additional testing revealed that thepresence of organic matter was deleterious to iron corrosion and hardness ions (Ca<sup>+2</sup> andMg<sup>+2</sup>) reduced the ability of silica to cause red water. Additional study is underway toexplicitly investigate the role of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in iron corrosion, and therole of disinfection in preventing or exacerbating SRB attack. Includes 34 references, tables, figures.
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