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- "Unaccounted For" No More Establishing Standard Water Accountability Methods for Drinking Water Utilities
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines information on the International Water Audit Method. Advantages of the method are listed along with the IWA/AWWA Water Balance Format. Four components of managing reallosses are discussed and include: improved response time for leak repair; pressure management; active leakage control; and, improved system maintenance, replacement, and rehabilitation. Four components of managing apparent losses are discussed and include: unauthorized consumption theft and illegal consumption; meter accuracy error, meters do not register actual volumes passing; data transfer errors between meter and archives, poor customer accountability; and, data analysis, errors between archived data and data used for billing/water balance. Guidelines for Setting a Target LevelInfrastructure Leakage Index are given, along with AWWA Water Loss Control Committeerecommendations that include: the IWA methodology for the Water Audit and PerformanceIndicators is recognized as the current best practice methodfor quantitatively monitoring water consumption and waterloss in drinking water systems;water suppliers should make use of the full array ofPerformance Indicators included in the internationalmethodology; the term "Unaccounted-for" Water, having no consistentmeaning, be dropped from use in all industry references; and,the four component approaches to controlling Real Lossesand Apparent Losses be utilized as leading practices toeconomically control these losses. Includes tables.