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- Fundamental Insights into Micropollutant Rejection by High Pressure Membranes (RO & NF)
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines a study on micropollutant rejection by high pressure reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes. Part 1 presents the rejection of anionic inorganic micropollutantsby negatively charged membranes includingchromate,perchlorate,and arsenate. Part 1 Hypotheses involvesmembrane properties enhancing rejection include lower MWCO andgreater (negative) surface charge. Part 2 presentsrejection of trace organic micropollutantsby NFand RO:compound versus membrane properties. Part 2 Hypotheses - Most Past Studies Have Often OverestimatedRejections due to Short Time Frame of Tests,not Allowing for Pre-Saturation of Membrane;Compound Transport through Membrane IsDictated by Solute-Membrane Interactions(Steric, Electrostatic, and Partitioning); and, Partitioning (either Hindered or Facilitated)Embodies Solute-Membrane Affinity,Solute Diffusion through, and Solubility in, theMembrane. Includes tables, figures.