• AWWA ACE63006
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  • Water Management Planning: A Case Study at Blue Grass Army Depot
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
  • Publisher: AWWA


Executive Order 13123, Greening the Government Through Efficient Energy Management, mandates anaggressive policy for reducing potable water consumption at federal facilities. Implementation guidancefrom the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) set a requirement for each federal agency to "reduce potablewater usage by implementing life cycle, cost-effective water efficiency programs that include a watermanagement plan, and not less than four Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Best ManagementPractices (BMPs)."The objective of this plan is to gain full compliance with Executive Order 13123 and associated DOEimplementation guidance on behalf of Blue Grass Army Depot (BGAD), Richmond, Kentucky. Inaccordance with this plan, BGAD must:incorporate the plan as a component of the Installation energy conservation plan;investigate the water savings potential and life-cycle cost effectiveness of the operations andmaintenance (O&M) and retrofit/replacement options associated with the ten FEMP BMPs;put into practice all applicable O&M options;identify retrofit/replacement options appropriate for implementation (based upon calculation of thesimple payback periods); and,establish a schedule for implementation of applicable and cost-effective retrofit/replacementoptions.The paper summarizes the BMP implementation initiatives at BGAD. In accordance with the goal, a BMPcan be considered implemented when the "applicable operations and maintenance options have been putinto practice, and retrofit/replacement options have been reviewed within the last two years and thoseappropriate for implementation have been identified, and the cost-effective retrofit/replacement optionsidentified have been implemented." Includes 16 references, tables, figures.

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