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- Evaluation of Coagulation and Sedimentation for the Reduction of Fouling and Removal of Organic Matter in Membrane Filtration Systems
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines natural organic matter (NOM) membrane fouling and its removal to reduce disinfection byproduct formation. Major types of NOM are outlined along with the three primary means used to controlfouling in low pressure membrane filtration. Three case studies are outlined that consisted of pilotevaluations at three locations designedto test various techniques for thecontrol of membrane fouling and thereduction of byproduct formation inmembrane filtration systems. Because of the high solids loading, onlyoutside-in flow configurations werepiloted. The three case studies were located in Abilene, Wichita Falls, and Sherman, Texas. The first case study in Abilene, Texas focused on evaluating color and total organic carbon(TOC) removal without clarification. The outcome demonstrated thatboth systems met organic removalgoals using direct filtration (no clarifier), andhigh doses of coagulant did notsignificantly improve performance overmoderate dosages. The second case study inWichita Falls focused on comparingcoagulation andcoagulation/sedimentation. The outcome demonstrated that high solids and organic levels inthe Wichita Falls water source requiredflocculation AND clarification prior tothe low pressure membranes, chemical wash appeared to improveperformance, andsolids and organic loadings were stillproblematic for one supplier. The third case in Sherman, Texas focused on comparingcoagulation and chemical washing. The outcome demonstrated that both fouling management approacheswere successful in achieving therequired 30-day CIP interval, andchemical wash provided bettereconomics. Pilot process flow diagrams are given for each case study, along with pilot results and cost evaluations. Includes tables, figures.