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- Bench and Pilot Testing of High Capacity, Single-Pass Ion Exchange Resins for Perchlorate Removal
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines bench and pilot testing of high capacity, single-pass ion exchange resins for perchlorate removal. Testing objectives included:independent testing of existing and new-to-market ionexchange resins to determine and compare perchlorateremoval performance;communicate with resin manufacturers to obtain theirrecommendations on resins, suitable testing conditions, andfull-scale operations; and,evaluate additional factors in the use of new high-capacity ionexchange resins, including potential for nitrosamine releasefrom resins and concentration of co-contaminants on high-capacityresins (e.g., uranium). Bench-scale isotherms approach and results are given, along with mini-column evaluation approach and results and pilot-scale column approach and results. Background for Nitrosamine testing is outlined, along with California DHS Notification Levels, nitrosamine leaching and implications, and residuals management. Includes tables, figures.