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- Storm Water Quality Basins Successes and Challenges: San Antonio, Texas
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines a storm water quality basin program by the San Antonio, Texas, Water System with the goals of: maintaining and protecting the quality of waterinto the Edwards Aquifer through a policyof non-degradation adopted in the WaterQuality Ordinance #81491; and,ensuring that all Water Quality Basinsreceive the appropriate maintenanceneeded for the proper treatment ofstorm water runoff and are in properworking condition. The program overview included:design review;construction compliance inspections;developed inspection form;perform at least four inspections peryear/no notice inspections; and,identified owner for delegated responsibilityfor each basin. Examples of compliant and non-compliant basins are given, and the presentation outlines: the enforcement process; performance slide; challenges; Mayor's Ad-Hoc Committee onWater Quality; proposed HOA Basin Programdescription; and, program modification considerations. Includes figures.
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