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- Fate of High-Production Volume Household Chemicals in Municipal Wastewater Systems
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
The study objectives of this slide presentation were to:identify organic compounds fromhouseholds and household commoditiespotentially present in municipalwastewater based onproduction volumes,environmental relevance, andfeasibility of analytical quantification; and, evaluate the occurrence and fate ofselected target compounds byscreening for target compounds in full-scalemunicipal wastewater facilities,evaluating removal efficiency of compoundsthrough individual conventional unit operations, and assess advanced wastewater treatmentprocesses through bench- and pilot-scaletesting. Methodology included:Target Compound Selection;National Institutes of Health National Libraryof Medicine, most comprehensive databaseidentified covering household commodities; and, 720 chemicals identified falling within eightcommodities. Conclusions indicate that:a majority of compounds are present in all wastewaterinfluents;presence of compounds confirm study approach;occurrence likely due to combination of productionvolumes, usage patterns, and physical/chemicalproperties;all target compound concentrations significantlyreduced;HPV chemicals contribute to the organic load ofWWTPs; and,little is known regarding additive or synergisticeffects of HPV chemicals on the environment. Includes tables, figures.
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