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- Control of Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Hickory Creek Basin of Denton, Texas
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines a pilot program to demonstrate the use ofbest management practices for the mitigation ofsediment and loading to Lake Lewisville from theHickory Creek Watershed. A second objective was tocreate economic incentives for the developmentof water quality credit trading to control of pointand nonpoint source pollution through the use ofmunicipal development code. Lake Lewisville is currentlythreatened by sediment andnutrients, it is#96 out of 102 Texas reservoirsfor eutrophication, there are ahigh rate of applications fornew or amended dischargepermits,rapid land use conversion,storage capacity reduced bysediment loads,major water supply reservoir, andsignificant recreation resource. Topics outlined include: water quality credit trading; SWAT model calibratedfor Lake Lewisville land uses; application of thewatershed framework; pro forma evaluationof sediment control costs; model development - urban loads, sediment calibration, nitrogen; change in land use fromnatural conditions; increased loadsdue to development; application to city code; and, application to water supply planning.