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- Use of Internal Recirculation to Improve Perchlorate Reduction in a Fixed Biofilm Process
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines the use of internal ecirculation to improve perchlorate reduction in a fixed biofilm process. Objectives and hypothesis include:use flow regime to improve perchlorate reduction in a biofilm reactor;determine feasibility of a biofilm perchlorate reduction processunder conditions typical of natural waters;internal flow recirculation will improve packed biofilm reactorperformance byincreasing turbulent (dispersive) transport of perchlorate at lowconcentration andproducing more uniform biofilm distribution in reactor media. Materials and methods are given for: biofilm reactor speciations; inoculum for biofilm reactors; and, synthetic groundwater influent for biofilm reactors. Conclusions indicated that:complete reduction of dilute influent perchlorate (10 µg/L) can besustained in a fixed biofilm process, recirculation had no effect onreduction of low influent perchlorate;internal flow recirculation improved reactor response time toincreased perchlorate loading, possibly due to more uniformbiomass distribution; and,tracer studies indicated that the plug flow reactor had significantshort-circuiting, which was consistent with the rise in effluentperchlorate. Includes table, figures.
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