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- A Case Study: Industrial Wastewater Desalination and Concentrate Disposal Barriers in Florida
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines a case study of industrial wastewater desalination and concentrate disposal barriers in Florida. Project background includes: a POTW in central Florida entered into a consent orderwith the FDEP to lower its effluent specific conductancein order to be in compliance with its discharge to a freshsurface water;an existing manufacturing facility must meet bothcurrent and future POTW pretreatment requirements forconductivity (TDS) and sodium levels; and,URS conducted a desktop evaluation coupled with afinancial analysis of possible alternatives followed by atreatability study and full-scale piloting. Topics outlined include: POTW Pretreatment Standards andFacility's Current Effluent Water Quality; desktop alternative analysis; Phased Approach for POTW Compliance; Strategy A -Initial Method for Conductivity Reduction; Full-Scale Pilot of Strategy A at Facility; Strategy B -Additional Treatment for Conductivity Reduction; concentrate disposal options for Strategy B; concentrate disposal barrier of off-site hauling to another POTW, Off-Site Routing to Evaporation Ponds, Off-Site Hauling to a Permitted IndustrialInjection Well, On-Site Brine Disposal via Injection Well, and On-Site Brine Evaporation Using a Crystallizer. Includes tables, figures.