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- Innovative Membrane Research in Canada
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines innovative membrane research in Canada. Goals for treatment include:particle removal (including pathogens);total organic carbon (TOC) removal;disinfection/inactivation; removal of chemical contaminants; maximizing biological stability;maximizing chemical stability; and,maintaining aesthetic quality to the tap. Major research issues included:fouling;membrane integrity;small systems; and,coincidental removal of other contaminants. Types of foulants included:particulate;organic;bio-organic;inorganic; and,(On the surface or in the pores). Measures re fouling included:pretreatment - reducing the foulants;operational - aeration, backpulsing; and, chemical cleaning. NSERC Strategic ProjectTitle: Enhancing the Sustainability andApplicability of Membrane Processes for DrinkingWater Treatment. Objectives:develop a better understanding of the effect ofspecific pretreatments on fouling;quantify and optimize the ability ofmembranes (in combination withpretreatment) to remove pharmaceuticals andEDS, while minimizing fouling; and,coagulation, biofiltration, AOPs, IMS. Recently funded CWN project "Advancement of Membrane Processes forCanadian Drinking Water Treatment Facilities". Major objectives:fouling abatement - targeted removal of keyfoulants, minimization of energy use for foulingabatement;integrated membrane systems for multipleobjectives - e.g. broadening membraneapplicability through improved pretreatment;and, cost/benefits of membrane systems -advancing integrity monitoring, reassessmentof relative health risks and benefits ofmembrane treatment. Other projects outlined include: Development of an IntegratedMembrane Process forWater Reclamation, objectives included: determine impact of pre-RO and post-ROdisinfection onDBP formation,coliform and virus control, andnitrate;determine impact of RO;membrane type; and, assess possible end uses for reuse water. Another project outlined: Development of Alternative MembraneIntegrity Detection Tools for LowPressure Membranes Treating FilterBackwash Water, objective to evaluate current integrity test methodologies forUF membrane treatment of WTP residual streams;particle counting and turbidity measurements;explore alternative indirect integrity test methods;DOC and color;Capability for detecting "precursor" signals to breaches in a membraneoperating system (chronic increases in dissolved material (i.e., NOM). Includes tables, figures.