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- Performance Evaluation of Appropriate In-home Drinking Water Treatment Options for Developing Countries
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
Simple water treatment technologies composed of locally-available materials can be ofbenefit to people in rural areas of developing countries. Example technologies includefiltration through a sari cloth, inactivation using sunlight, and disinfection using citrusacids. These technologies were studied using a matrix of three indicator/surrogateorganisms: a bacteria (E. coli), a virus (MS2 coliphage), and a surrogate for protozoancysts and oocysts (aerobic bacterial spores). While results are still forthcoming, researchhas shown that both acidification using lime and lemon juice and solar disinfectionprovided a significant measure of protection against pathogen surrogates. Future researchwill include additional solar disinfection studies and the integration of aerobic bacterialspores into the research matrix. Includes 8 references, figures.