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- Update of Market Assessment for Capturing Water Conservation Opportunities in the Federal Sector
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
The Department of Energy's (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)requested an update of the original market assessment done by Pacific NorthwestNational Laboratory (PNNL) in 2001. This original analysis evaluated waterconservation opportunities and answered key questions necessary for FEMP to makerecommendations on whether or not to proceed with strategies for water conservation inthe Federal sector, primarily through the development of water conservation EnergySavings Performance Contracts (ESPC). The update's intent is to reevaluate the cost-effectivewater savings potential in the Federal sector, which incorporates newtechnologies and recent available data on Federal water use, and also to makerecommendations on strategies that will assist FEMP in developing a path forward toassist Federal agencies in effective water management.This updated assessment is based on a new analytical approach that utilizes newlyavailable data and technologies. The new approach fine-tunes the original assessment byusing actual Federal water use, which is now tracked by DOE (as compared to usingestimated water use). Federal building inventory data is also used to disseminate wateruse by end-use technology in the Federal sector. In addition, this analysis also examinesthe current issues and obstacles that face performance contracting of water efficiencyprojects at Federal sites.A summary table of the cost-effective savings potential results of this updatedevaluation is provided in this paper, along with bulleted points of key findings andrecommendations of the update. Includes table.