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- Zooplankton Removal by Various Water Treatment Processes
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
The water treatment industry has put greater emphasis on the removal of microorganisms in the 2-10 µm.Well operated water treatment plants have generally been recognized as able to provide excellentremoval of particles over 2 µm size. However, field findings indicate that the passage of large, livezooplankton (200 µm to 1400 µm) was common at treatment facilities that use nutrient rich lake orimpoundments as a raw water source. This paper presents field data of zooplankton prevalence in treatedwater supplies, and the efficiency of ozonation, clarification, dissolved air flotation, dual media filtration,and membrane filtration in removing or inactivating zooplankton at several water treatment sites. Livezooplanktons were found after low dose ozone treatment. High ozone doses were required to inactivatecopepod nauplii, a common nuisance species of zooplankton in treated water supplies. Live zooplanktonpassage through dual media filters was commonly observed. Membrane filtration provided the bestphysical barrier against zooplankton. Includes 13 references, tables, figures.
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