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- Ion Exchange for Radium and Uranium Removal from Drinking Water Supplies
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
The objectives of this slide presentation were to:detn U and Ra removal efficiencies;detn resin capacities for SAC SBA;find optimum % of SBA resin;stratified or mixed bed?;define minimum SBA bed depth for Uremoval; and, compare NaCl and KCl as regenerants. The presentation outlines information on uranium removal by ionexchange:use MR SBA w/wo SAC;resin selection not critical;BV run w pure anion: 300,000 BV mo;SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup> will shorten run length;pH not critical in 6-9 range;typical cyclic operation30,000--50,000 BV (60- 00 days),regen with sat'd. NaCl at 20 lbs/ft3 (4/ ), andlow leakage even w incomplete regen. The presentation provides an explanation of how radium moves through the resin during sodium softening, along with analysis methods and solutions to Ra leakage. Includes tables, figures.
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