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- Water Quality Impacts on Selection and Design of Arsenic Adsorption Systems
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
Following the promulgation of the arsenic rule, many water systems are facedwith the need to select a treatment technology to comply with the revised arsenicmaximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10.0 µg/L. Adsorption media filters are one ofthe technologies available to treat water supplies for compliance with the new arsenicMCL and are often selected by small and medium sized groundwater systems to complywith the new drinking water regulations. Although adsorption medias, especially severalof the relatively new proprietary medias, are generally very effective at removing arsenicfrom drinking water, their performance can be significantly impacted by the source waterquality. Water quality parameters such as arsenic speciation, pH, concentrations ofcompeting ions, and other source water characteristics can affect the efficiency andcapacity of adsorption media for removing arsenic from water. The apparent arsenicremoval capacity of any given treatment unit may vary significantly from system tosystem as a result of source water quality characteristics other than the total arsenicconcentration. Therefore, selecting and designing an adsorption media treatment systemfor arsenic removal requires careful consideration and an evaluation of the effectivenessof adsorption medias considered for each application.Systems that intend to use adsorption media technology must select the mostappropriate, both effective and economical, adsorption system and determine the mediacapacity for their source water in order to properly design the treatment process.Laboratory bench-scale testing followed by pilot-scale studies are traditionally used toevaluate equipment performance, establish design criteria for a full-scale treatmentsystem, and gain regulatory approval for use of new treatment technologies. Waterquality data from three adsorption media pilot tests are used here to demonstrate theimpacts that source water characteristics, including arsenic speciation, pH, andconcentrations of competing ions can have on arsenic adsorption system performance.Utilizing the pilot test data, the impacts of water quality characteristics on system designand operation, including the selection of a treatment process, economic analyses,treatment vessel configuration, chemical usage impacts, and other operational factors arediscussed. Includes 2 references, figures.
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