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- Innovative Approaches to Water Purification with UV Advanced Oxidation
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines innovative approaches to water purification with ultraviolet (UV) advanced oxidation for the Prairie Waters Project at Aurora Water in Aurora, Colorado. Project background included: Prairie Waters Project System Components; comparison of quality of Aurora's water supplies; Aurora water quality goals; nitrosamine health effects and regulatory status; NDMA health effects and regulatory status; new SPP purification processes providemultiple barriers for new challenges; and, blending SPP supply meets total dissolved solids (TDS) goals. Treatability testing goals included: provide data to refine ARWPF design criteria; evaluate efficacy of enhanced coagulation/softening, UV advanced oxidation, and granular activated carbon(GAC) adsorption processes;confirm water quality capabilities of treatment processes; refine facility cost estimates; and,produce water for taste testwithout high pressure membranes. UV advanced oxidation process testing involved: NDMA Removal with UV AOP; Micro-pollutant removal with UV AOP; removal of T&O compounds with UV AOP; UV AOP and byproduct formation; GAC column testing; and, results of EDC analyses. Includes figures.