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- No Free Lunch: Perchlorate Resins and Nitrosamine Byproducts
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines perchlorate resins and nitrosamine byproducts. Topics outlined include: ion exchange for perchlorate removal;nitrosamines and drinking water;bench and pilot testing of nitrosamineleaching; and, regulation and risk balancing. A case study on ion exchange for perchlorate removal is outlined: California Domestic Water Company, pilot tests of "perchlorate-selective" resins identifiedseveral contenders that will drastically reduce resinquantities needed and water treatment costs; and, bench and pilot testing of nitrosamine leaching. Summary and conclusions were:use of anion exchange resins in watertreatment to remove perchlorate may introducenitrosamines into the water;improved resin rinsing strategies and potentialfor nitrosamine destruction by UV treatmentshould be examined to reduce risk; and,additional research needed to assess the "costof lunch" and weigh the relative risks impartedby water treatment processes. Includes table, figures.
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