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- Optimizing a 36 mgd Membrane Filtration Plant - A Citric Acid Nightmare!
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines and effort to optimize the 36 mgd South San Joaquin Irrigation District (SSJID) Nic de Groot membrane filtration plant. The project had difficulties with citric acid CIP recycle and topics outlined include: options considered for acid CIP; calcium chloride used in jar tests; Calcium Citrate Precipitate Removal Mechanism; Stable Ca-Fe-Citrate complex formation; Calcium Chloride used at full scale to treat Citric Acid; Seasonal Fouling Changes; fouling investigation conducted by Zenon; and, Pre-chlorination operation and Other benefits. Conclusions from 2 years of optimization included: Production of excellent water is operationally simple;Operating challenges occur with managing recycles, managing CIP solutions, unknown foulants and maintaining systems; and,Piloting of any membrane system should include as much of the full scale process as possible, especially recycle and CIP systems. Includes tables, figures.
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