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- Durham's University of Water Management: An Employee's Opportunity to See the Big Picture
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Inspired by an article in an American Water Works Association (AWWA) publication, the idea ofan in-house training program for departmental employees became reality for the City of Durham'sDepartment of Water Management. The idea received a lot of interest at a departmental retreatin September, 2005. A committee was formed, research was done, assignments were made and theprogram began in January 2006. Classes focusing on each of the departmental divisions werescheduled for two hours each for thirteen different weeks. The classes are taught by divisionsupervisors and other key personnel, using a Power Point template developed by committeemembers designed to keep presentations consistent. Favorite class activities include tours anddemonstrations of the jobs performed and tools used by other divisions. Students from mostdivisions of the department enjoyed the challenge of learning more about how their job fits intothe big picture of the Department of Water Management.