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- Increasing Plant Capacity by Optimizing Filter Media Design: The Atlantic City MUA Experience
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority (ACMUA) hasestablished a goal of upgrading their filtration facilities toallow for:additional capacity (increase from 18 MGD to 22 MGD);the ability to remove filters from service to perform maintenance;and,to meet a turbidity goal of 0.1 NTU at their filtration plant.A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the Atlantic CityMunicipal Utilities Authority's (ACMUA) existing filtrationfacilities to determine the potential for increasing filtrationcapacity. The three alternative media configurations and the controlwere tested at a loading rate of 5.5 gpm/sf. The tests wereconducted with four 4-inch diameter filtration columnsoperating in parallel. The flow treated by the filtrationcolumns was taken from the top of the existing filters. Datarecorded included turbidity, particle counts and headloss. Further information presented includes: ACMUA's filter plant description; pilot testing; and pilot test results. Includes figures.
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