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- Small System Pilot Study for Iron and Manganese Removal
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This poster paper presents information on a small system pilot study for iron and manganese removal. The scope of the pilot study included: a review of oxidationalternatives includingaeration,chlorination,permanganate, anddetention;a review of filtrationalternatives includingfour medias,greensand,treated dual media,manufactured greensand,pyrolusite, and filtration rates and filter run times; a review of residualsproduction includingbackwash rates,backwash duration, and settleability;a review of water stability includingpre-filter tendency forscaling, andpost-filter corrosivity. The presentation provides treated water results, filter media characteristics, and pilot study results. Includes tables, figures.