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- Identifying the Source of Pressure Filter's Mudball Problem Leads to a Simple Solution: An Investigation of Media Failure in Pressure Filtration
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Within the first 17 months of operation, the pressure filters at a 1.8 MGD (78.9 l/s) watertreatment plant began having trouble. The operator first observed problems by a shortening ofthe filter run. When one of the hatches blew out, the operator had his first look at what wasgoing on inside of his filters. He saw an orange slime coating the interior walls. Furtherinspection of all the filters showed an accumulation of fine sediment on the top of the media andmud balls, in addition to the orange film. In spite of corrective actions by its second year theplant was reduced to half the design capacity, well below its operating efficiency and requiredextensive maintenance.Review by the manufacturer and engineer recommended media replacement, as theyattributed the plant's poor performance to damaged media. The cause of the crushing wasunclear. In the absence of a directed investigation it was probable that media failure wouldrecur.This study was performed as an academic research project and incorporated analyticalevaluation and physical testing, adapted from conventional gravity systems for pressurefiltration. Working together with the local water department and manufacturers, the authorsconducted this independent plant study with the support of Northeastern University's College ofEngineering. It has enabled effective identification of equipment shortcomings, implementedstructural corrections, improved plant productivity and increased media life. Includes 10 references, tables, figures.