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- Nitrification, Red Water, and Other Unintended Consequences in a Chloraminating System
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by listing the major benefits of chloramines, and the drawbacks/unintendedconsequences of chloramines. It defines nitrification asthe microbiological oxidation of ammonia tonitrite and ultimately to nitrate. A table of Nitrite Monitoring and TriggerGuidance for Distribution Systems is provided. A Southwest Case Study is presented, with topics consisting of: red water complaints; treatment train; source water and finished water quality; and,first phase study design. Case study conclusions were that:severe nitrification and corrosion in distribution system were leading to amarked drop in disinfectant residuals, an increase in HPC levels,a reduction in pH on order of 1 unit(less buffering capacity due to low alkalinity), and anincrease in iron release/turbidities; nitrification occurring in areas of system not experiencing ironcorrosion (and upstream of areas where iron corrosion taking place; interrelationships between nitrification, red water, and microbialactivity in system complex; and,embarking on major study to better understand.
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