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- Application of Optimization Technology to the Development of a Water Distribution System Master Plan for the City of Ottawa
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a problem statement that includes: the City of Ottawa required an update to the WaterDistribution System Master Plan in order tomeet level of service expectations overthe planning period (2031) with a cost-effectivesystem expansion plan. Study objectives were to:find a least cost system expansion plan that willmeet future demands at adequate pressure,meet reliability criteria, andavoid water quality issues;define system operations strategy;develop infrastructure phasing plan; and,develop decision support tool for future updates. The approach involved: using Genetic Algorithm (GA) technology and ahydraulic model to test a wide range of systemexpansion alternatives;converging on an optimal solution through aniterative process involving "GA runs" and "offline"reliability and water age improvements; and,results of reliability and water ageimprovements impose further constraints on theGA by reducing number of available capacityalternatives. Topics covered include: introduction to Genetic Algorithms;description of optimization model;City of Ottawa Water Distribution System;development of alternatives; and,results.