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- Waterloo Region Outdoor Water Use By-Law
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by profiling the Waterloo Region of Canada. The Waterloo Region's Master Plan for 2007-2015 has the goal of saving 1.8 MIGDon baseline by 2015, water for 18,000 oftoday's households, and thepotential to doublesavings with peakdemand control. Components of the Comprehensive Program include: General Public Education;Toilet Replacements;Industrial, Commercial,Institutional Efficiencies;Municipal Leak Reduction;Research and Development; and,Outdoor Water UseReduction. Typical water demands for the Waterloo Region are:average urban demand is 35 MGD;before by-law, peaks over 52 MGD; and,52 MGD is at or above current capacity. Topics outlined include: 2003 New Region OWU By-Law; three stages of implementation; amendments; education/enforcement; 2005 Stage 2 Results; water use restriction success; IUS Savings 2005 over 2002June to August; implementation costs; distribution of warnings; and, ROW Maximum Day MGD.