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- Overview of Household Plumbing Issues
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation presents an overview of household plumbing issues. Premise plumbing problems are presented as expensive andcomplicated and politically sensitive with liability, legal issues and shared responsibility. Common elements of premiseplumbing problems include:chemistry of water going into home is amajor contributor;variations in homeowner use, maintenanceand plumbing system composition/design isanother; and,inherent complexity is multiplicative. Topics outlined include: geometric considerations; different and reactive materials; high water age and re-growth potential; enhanced exposure to pathogens; unsafe configuration; proximity to service lines; solar/domestic water heaters; and, Legionella pneumophila. Conclusion: premise plumbing cannot be treated as anextension to the distribution system;our traditional sampling of water in mains doesnot detect most problems occurring in buildings; and,water heater operation involves many trade-offs. A case study in Maui, Hawaii is presented where Maui residents complained of rashes after phosphate dosing. A hypothesis is presented stating that addition of the phosphate andammonia to the water with naturalorganic matter caused rampantbacterial growth. Also, P. Aeruginosa and M. Avium was identified insome homes and has the following characteristics:potentially harmful to humans;can grow in water heaters;P. Aeruginosa known to cause "swimmer's itch"; and,M. Avium is on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Contaminant Candidate List (CCL).P. Aeruginosa was identified in the rash, but wasmisdiagnosed as anti-biotic resistantstaph infection. Conclusion:the water was "going bad"after it went into the homes; theutility is probably not legally responsible for problem;the way the water was treated was a major reason thewater was "going bad";USEPA - no regulations on bacteria in homes;Department of Health - seem to be interested only in communicable disease; and,Consumers - caught in the middle.