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- A Great Lakes Agenda for the Coming Decade
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing introductory information on the Great Lakes region. Four centuries of human inducedstresses have caused symptoms that include:invasive species (zebra mussels; lamprey);extirpation of important native species(lake trout);loss of coastal wetlands (90% along LakesHuron and Erie);fish consumption advisories; and,algal blooms. These symptoms inturn are leading to: a loss of buffering capacity in the nearshoreareas - damaged self-regulating mechanisms;anoxic/hypoxic zones;rapid disappearance of amphipods that arethe building blocks of the ecosystem; and,multiple sources of extreme stress leading to:non-linear changes, a tipping point - ecosystem breakdown, andimportant consequences for human well-beingand sustainability. A history of the American-Canadian managing of shared waters is provided, and the argument for the need of a new vision is outlined with environmental, economic and social goals included. The basis for a new vision for the Great Lakes includes:recognition of the multiple, cumulative,changing stresses on the Lakes;government commitment, accountability,sufficient financial resources; citizen engagement, education; and,everyone doing their part to protect anawesome global asset for which we haveshared responsibility, The Great Lakes.
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