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- Using Operations Modeling to Reduce Construction-Related Water Supply Shortfalls
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation presents an example of a Reservoir Operations Optimization Model that was used by the City of San Diego Water Department when they were planning infrastructure improvements to the San Vicente Dam to increase reservoir capacity, and to the Twin Oaks Treatment Facility. A comparison of simulation vs. optimization models is provided, along with the linking of the existing STELLA Simulation Model with the optimization model to achieve optimal solutionsfor reservoiroperations duringcritical periods. The major components of optimization include: the objective of maximizing YIELD orRELIABILITY;decision variables of operationalflows, sources of water; constraints involving hydrology,hydraulic capacities, cost,demand, water quality; and,output - schedule of importedwater purchases, transfers,and releases from all availablesources. Examples of the user control panel, the Reservoir Operations Optimization Model schematic, model output summary, optimized flow schedule, Optimization Model Verification results, optimized reservoir storage levels are provided. Results of Simulation - Optimization are given, along with the Reduction of Regional Deficits, Utilization of San Vicente Reservoir, and the model's continued use. Includes tables, figures.