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- The Value of Epi and Tox Studies in Health Effects Assessment: Health Canada
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by diagramming elements of the Safe Environments Program, Health Canada, and lists the functions of the Environmental Health Sciences Bureau. The Drinking Water Guidelinesfor Protecting Health in Canada include the following:microbiological, chemical/physical and radiologicalparameters;several steps to guideline development;multi-jurisdictional consensus-based approach;the key element of guideline is the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC);MAC development depends on available evidence ofcarcinogenicity or other health effects; and,evidence depends on quality, quantity and nature ofrelevant toxicological and epidemiological studiesand is classified into five groups. Topics covered include: Accounting for Uncertainty inToxicological Studies; classification; Epidemiology: Good Design Principles; Toxicology: Good Design Principles; A note on causality; TCE Classification; TCE Guideline: Cancer endpoint; and, TCE Guideline: Cancer endpoint.
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