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- The Influence of Organic Matter on the Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds and Pharmaceuticals by Membrane Filtration
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The objectives of this powerpoint presentation were to: examine the rejection of 22 endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals(PhACs) in lab-scale filtration systemas a function ofcompound characteristics and membrane properties; and, investigate the influence of organicmatter present in natural water(Lake Ontario water). Analysis of EDCs and PhACs included:collaboration with Ontario Ministry of theEnvironment (MOE);developed methods for the analysis ofover 50 emerging organic pollutants includingpesticides,pharmaceuticals and personal care products,endocrine disrupting compounds,surfactants; and, MDLs <300 ng/L for most compounds. A list is provided of the EDCs and PhACs that were examined, along with methods that include LC/MS/MS and GC/TOF/MS, a listing of method challenges, membranes studied, water matrices, rejection of antibiotics, rejection of pharmaceuticals, rejection of estrogen hormones, rejection of pesticides and EDCs, Influence of MembraneProperties on Rejection, Influence of CompoundHydrophobicity on Rejection, Rejection as a Function ofCompound Log Kow(Tight NF Membrane), Influence of CompoundVolume on Rejection, Rejection as a Function ofCompound Volume(Tight NF Membrane), and influence of water matrix.