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- Community Water Systems Capacity and Sustainability: The Operator's Perspective
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The powerpoint presentation begins by listing small community watersystem issues. It goes on to present a survey, using Illinois as representative of small water systems across the country. Information and statistics are provided for the following topics: understanding water systemcapacity in Illinois; Water SystemSize andDistribution ofSample; and, relativeisolation bysystem size. Findings are presented on the following topics: size by age of system; ownership and last upgrade; perceived water system health; violations by size; size of communities and violations; type of violation by % FTE ofoperator; rates last raised by size; capital reserves; operator salary; operator age; community water board; and, access to internet. Initial findings included: a number of the issues that were expecteddo turn out to be issues, but not assevere as possibly anticipated;in a number of categories the mid-sizeutilities report greater problems than thesmall ones; and,there are growing opportunities to useinternet and other high tech tools. Includes tables, figures.