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  • Ohio RCAP and Small Systems Create a Winning Team
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
  • Publisher: AWWA


Ohio RCAP (Rural Community Assistance Program) continues to play a key role in finding affordablesolutions for small communities' infrastructure financing. Small Communities using RCAP to providetechnical assistance score big toward improving the Technical, Managerial, and Financial Capacity oftheir utilities. RCAP's position on the team as technical assistance provider, facilitator, trainer, loanand grant writer and administrator makes it both player and coach. The session will detail RCAP's roleas coach.As with any good Coach, "training" is a crucial part of a winning team. Over the past several years,Ohio RCAP has developed and delivered "Utility Management for Local Officials" and "FinancialManagement for Local Officials." Funding, content, presentation, and effectiveness was presented.Both of these workshops are approved for operator contact hours and have been well received bycommunity officials. They are free to attendees and over 600 community officials have participated inthe workshops voluntarily. "Asset Management for Local Officials" was offered at 5 sites in Ohiobeginning in early 2007. The fourth workshop in the series will involve working with software and ahands on experience in developing an Asset Management plan and setting rates to cover the utilitiesneeds. These workshops are supported by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Participantsreceive not only the five contact hours for participating in the session, they get a manual and CD thatincludes a tool kit with examples and templates. Ohio RCAP presenters will discuss curriculum,material, delivery, marketing, outreach, funding and evaluation, and what is next.Ohio RCAP has conducted training at the Ohio Section of the American Water Works Association(AWWA), for the Operator Training Committee of Ohio, and for Development Districts in southernOhio. The Curriculum was developed with contributions from Ohio Rural Water Association, OhioEPA, USDA Rural Development, and The Ohio State University. Includes table.

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