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- Multi-unit Toilet Replacement Pilot Program vs. Actual Field Data
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The Toilet Replacement Program is the measure with the greatest water savings in the City ofToronto's Water Efficiency Program (WEP) and is expected to achieve a reduction of over 100million liters of water per day by 2011.The Toilet Replacement Program is designed to encourage those replacing existing toilets in allproperty sectors to choose to install City approved ultra-low-flush models by offering a cashincentive. It is estimated that toilet use represents about 60% of the total volume of water used in atypical multi-unit residence, which is about 272 liters per day, for multi-unit residential.Toilet replacement programs have been developed for the Single Family, Multi-unit (private andpublic housing) and the Industrial, Commercial, Institutional (ICI) sectors. Over 185,000 City-selectedtoilets have been installed to date resulting in total annual water savings of approximately44 million liters/day (ML/d).An ongoing monitoring program was established to measure the actual savings achieved. Afterinstalling about one third of the toilets for this sector, almost 50% of the total Multi-unit ToiletReplacement Program target for 2011 was achieved as of the end of 2004. An example of savingsis presented through various case studies of a variety of buildings.